Home Loans for Chiropractors

Home Loan Discounts for Chiropractors

Many lenders offer benefits to Chiropractors based on the security and stability that is attached to the industry in which you operate. What this means is that rather having to meet certain lending criteria that is required of the general public, you may be able to borrow more with a smaller deposit, therefore saving thousands and mortgage insurance and interest.

Home loan for chiropractor

What Associations or memberships do you have to belong to?

In order to be eligible, most lenders will need to see that you are:

  • Registered through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), and
  • Fully qualified (you need to be able to show this through your degree) and employed on a full-time basis.

Irrespective of your Chiropractic specialty (Epidemiologist, Neurophysiologist, Kinesiologist, Sports Chiropractor) these benefits will be available to you.

What is the lender looking for?

Aside from the eligibility criteria above, the bank will also consider:

  • Whether your application fits within their normal banking policy
  • The size of your deposit
  • Whether your property is in a metro area, whether its an established property etc
  • How you will be structuring your loan (ie. Is it a company or trust that is purchasing the security).

What are the LMI implications?

  • Most lenders will usually allow you to have less than the usual 20% deposit and still avoid LMI.
  • Some lenders will also lend up to 100% of the value of the property, no LMI. These lenders are few and far between, so let us do the hard work for you!

Let us do the hard work for you! Speak to one of our experts today about how we can get you benefits under a Chiropractor home loan!